
Showing posts from October, 2020

Eugene V. Debs and the Wobblies of the World

 I think probably these days with all of the issues faced by our civilization on Earth, it can be easy to ask something like "why labor?" Of all of the movements to join, support, study... why labor, and why should it be foremost when we also have the Environment, the Women's Movement, Black Lives Matter, Judge packing by monstrous people at the top of our government and the World's latest tin pot dictatorship. The answer, to me, is that labor is all of these things. We're all expected to work in this world and pay our own way in rent, medical care, the food we eat and feed our families. And we're paid wages that often do little to get us towards self sufficiency, still today in conditions that hurt us on the job and cripple us for life. Labor is everything if we want to see a world where our most vulnerable populations are the best taken care of. And so, this month's labor leader in our series: Eugene V. Debs, who once said: Eugene V. Debs - Source: Wikip...